Time & Location
04 Feb 2019, 20:00
The Whiskey Jar, 14 Tariff St, Manchester M1 2FF, UK
About The Event
The Kjetil Mulelid Trio consists of some of Norway's most interesting jazz musicians that are involved in projects like "Hegge" (Norwegian Grammy Award winner 2017), "Megalodon Collective" (Norwegian Grammy Award nomination 2016, and winner of JazzIntro 2016), "Wako" and the "Trondheim Jazz Orchestra". They play modern acoustic jazz, a mixture of compositions written by Mulelid and pure collective improvisations.
"The music is simple, beautiful and well composed tunes which goes in and out of expressive improvisations" (Olav Opsvik, NO).
"The compositions reflects Mulelid's rich and melodic play" (Eyal Hareuveni, IS).
The trio have since 2016 toured three times in West-Europe and played concerts on some of Norway's biggest jazz scenes, recorded some great live videos and released their debut album "Not Nearly Enough To Buy A House" which got honoured world-wide by critics.
"Best of the year" - Jez Nelson, Jazz FM (UK)
"It took me several listens to fully realise just how magical this album is" - The Wire (UK)
"Mulelid and his two equally young colleagues reveals timeless quality" - Baby Blaue (DE)
“Unbelievable that the musicians in the trio are all between 25 and 30" - Written in Music (NL)
Kjetil Mulelid // piano
Bjørn Marius Hegge // double bass
Andreas Winther // drums
Entry just £5/£4 students